Epigenetics Andorra

Well-being is a key value in improving your Epigenetics

Epigenetics , is defined as heritable changes in gene expression that are, unlike mutations, not attributable to alterations in the sequence of DNA.
Epigenetic regulation of gene expression appears to have long-term effects and wide-ranging effects on health
Diet and environmental exposures may potentially alter the level and scope of epigenetic regulation, thus interesting developments in the study of epigenetics might explain correlations that researchers have found between lifestyle and risk of disease.

Epigenetics may also explain how the risk of a certain disease is passed down through generations. During this time in occupied Holland,(1944-1945) the Dutch were under strict rations. The daily meals consisted of two potatoes, two slices of bread, and a piece of beetroot. Six decades later, when compared to their same sex siblings, the offspring descended from the pregnant mothers of the famine continued to have biallelic expression of the imprinted gene IGFR2
Numerous other environmental exposures have been linked with altering epigenetic patterns during a lifetime, and subsequent risk of disease. Specific examples include tobacco smoke, alcohol, viral hepatitis, industrial pollutants, and carbon emissions James P. Hamilton

Remember that we are: what we eat, we think and we feel
